The eleventh installment in The King of Fighters game series takes one of its' battle scenes to the ancient Angkor temples. In usual SNK fashion we are treated to gorgeous pixel art and buttery-smooth pixel animations. KOF XI was released to Japanese arcades in 2005 and it later also found... read more →
SNK Gals' Fighters was originally released for the Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld gaming console way back in 2000, but since April of this year it can also be purchased for the Nintendo Switch. In typical one-on-one brawler fashion a roster of characters, in this case only female fighters from... read more →
In the 2002 released horror-adventure game Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for the Gamecube one of the four locations includes the ancient city of Angkor Thom, Cambodia. Esteemed video game creator/luminary Shigeru Miyamoto acted as a producer on this title. Many artistic elements of the ancient Khmer temples adorn wall textures... read more →
The genre-defining strategy-game series Sid Meier's Civilization introduced the 'Civilization VI - Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack' expansion in 2017. Concept artist & illustrator Samuel Aaron Whitehead was responsible for the gorgeous artwork in the game that gives players the chance to rebuilt the ancient Khmer civilization of... read more →
At the start of the millennium the movie Tomb Raider brought the majestic Khmer temples of Angkor Wat to mainstream audiences and propelled Cambodia on the tourist map from that point onwards. 2008 saw the release of another critically-acclaimed title in the video game series with Tomb Raider : Underworld,... read more →