The Angkor Wat stage in the arcade-hit Pang dates back to the classic 1990 Amiga game of same name. But when Mitchell released the fourth installment of the series with Mighty! Pang in the arcades at the turn of the millennium we got multiple stages at Angkor Wat with much... read more →
The Shoot'em Up Pang on the Amiga 500 home computer arrived back in 1990 after establishing itself as an addictive hit in the arcades. In one of the 17 stages our safari-gear clad character visits the funnily misspelled Ankor Watt in pursuit of popping even more balloons. A simple concept,... read more →
Besides the initial inviting impressions of a venue, be it due to location, architecture, ambiance or high occupancy, there are also a few simple and cost-effective branding ideas, that will turn eyeballs onto your spot. The most basic and obvious necessity to brand your business is a custom logo or... read more →
Simon, our main photographer on the Khreativa Cambodia team, is both a highly accomplished photographer and a well-travelled, adventurous individual. So it then seems just logical that his love for both of these traits led to him covering many exciting travel assignments and regional editorial stories for a variety of... read more →